Muay Thai Training

It is difficult to describe how this experience affected me except to say that I will return...

I knew nothing of Muay Thai when I first contact them to stay there but committed to a stay of six weeks nonetheless. I had, and still have, no desire to fight; I dislike violence, do not like to be hurt and do not like hurting others. So why Muay Thai?

Truth be told, I have no idea. Other than curiosity.

The Thai Government states that studying Muay Thai is a valid category for a "Cultural" Visa. In my ignorance it made no sense to me so I went to find out what this was all about. Because the little I had seen of kickboxing and MMA did not appeal to me at all and I could not grasp the cultural connection.

Six weeks later I'm sold on it!

A superb way to build stamina and precision, strength and grace, training with the best. There is no need to fight, just respect.