Who is the Autumnal Man?

The Autumnal Man is he who considers a change of career at 50.

As you emerge from the so-called midlife crisis, you are reassessing the purpose of your work. And thus your identity. The time is ripe for massive changes.

"Career Change" is an umbrella term for all the changes you are experiencing. Because your identity depends on your work in the eyes of others.

So considering a change of career at this age is the result of a deep, fundamental reassessment.

What choices are there?

Most men at this stage of life have many commitments, often financial. You may still have secondary school or University-aged children. There is still most likely a mortgage to repay. Often, there are divorce proceedings to consider.

All these mean a midlife career change may not be possible.

Those things you want to do may not cover your financial commitments and so we find ourselves stuck. In a gilded cage, in many ways.